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  • In bed – 9.06pm
  • Lights off – 11.52pm
  • Woke up – 8.35am

Today was pretty mush a super laze day, a wash out in terms of work. Dream prep was ok though and general awareness seems to be still steady and ok.

6.22am – The first friend I has when I was a kid, who I haven’t seen in 15 years or so came over to see me, sticking around for a while. After a party (of course there was a party, it’s a main stay of my dreams recently) I went to the bathroom (what is this, Brain!?) we left, deciding that a jog was in order. Along the American style blocks we ran, though people were driving on the left hand side of the road. Getting to a crossroads I turned off right down the usual route that I ran, but he continued straight, crossing the road, assured of where he was going though he had never been there before.

I had the obligatory few dreams neglected to be written down, as usual nothing exciting, one involved going to the cinema and dancing like a robot in my kitchen. I had planned lots of mantra etc. for waking, but I guess I fell asleep to quickly. I think I need the music, or some other stimulation to concentrate on to keep me awake for a little while at least.